Welcome to Southside Outreach Group

Our mission is to assist income eligible persons in obtaining affordable, safe, decent and sanitary housing.

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About Southside Outreach Group

The Southside Outreach Group is a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) certified by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). In 2005 and 2006, Southside Outreach Group developed and managed the construction and sale of 12 single-family homes. In 2007, Southside Outreach Group started a second phase for the construction of 10 additional single-family homes that were sold to income eligible persons, creating first-time homeownership opportunities.
“I enjoy my home in the quiet neighborhood and feel like it is the perfect neighborhood to raise my kids. They have a spacious front and back yard to run around in and play. This was the best decision of my life, making a home with Southside Outreach Group!”

Keyona Ferrell

I was struggling with some prior rental problems and Mr. Howerton said ‘Don’t worry I’m going to do all that I can to help you’. And they did make my dreams a reality. I am so blessed to be renting from Southside Outreach Group and I want to say “Thank You, - Doris Clark

“I am really enjoying our new home and my wife is just loving it!” Ms. Sydnor says she enjoys the most “relaxing in her sunroom and having a back porch.”

Jerry & Emily Sydnor

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